
10/2008 – The Third Annual ”Eastern Adriatic Book Fair”

The Third Annual “Eastern Adriatic Book Fair”:
Showcase of Venezia-Giulia and Dalmatian Culture, in Trieste

From September 10th through the 14th , there was held, in Trieste, the third annual “Bancarella – Eastern Adriatic Book Fair” promoted and organized by the CDM (“Multimedia Documentation Center”), together with the ANVGD (“National Association of Venezia-Giulia and Dalmatia”) and sponsored by the Region of Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, the City of Trieste, the Province of Trieste, and with funds from the “Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste” Bank Foundation,. and the Ministry of Culture.
 The “Bancarella” fair represents the promotion and putting into practice of a cultural drive that has seen the presence of a multitude of guests in literary, theatrical, and musical performances, to showcase the complexity of Istrian, Dalmatian, and Fiume culture, both past and present. Such a successful event could never be possible without the participation of Italians present on the other side of the border, and those who emigrated to faraway lands.
 One of the intentions of the event is a call to unity, and to recompose the fractured world of the exiles, as Renzo Codarin, CDM President, recalled during the press conference for the event: he reminded those present that this takes place “(…) within a culture that has the full rights of citizenship. Trieste, in this sense, is important, as it is the ‘moral capital of the Exodus’, but we shouldn’t forget that Trieste is also an important anchoring place for that Sea, the Adriatic, that has always been so important to the development of our region, especially before other important communication lines, especially by land, existed.” And as Rosanna Giuricin reminded those present, once again it is the sea that forms a base that ties together the various elements of the event.

E. M.
(the article in its entirety can be found at

(traduzioni di Lorie Ballarin)

In our November issue, there will be ample coverage of the event

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